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Why so serious when you can have fun while working? The brand philosophy of Micro Face is based on happiness and we like to stick to it firmly. We continuously innovate and add products to our range which gives a chance to explore newness every now and then. As we are also expanding geographically we will need dedicated team players to match our enthusiasm in spreading the joy of popular products all over India. You are welcome to join.

Micro-Face-Pump’s work culture values:

  • Trust & Respect – Being dependable & treating everyone with fairness & dignity
  • Responsibility & Responsiveness – Taking proactive charge and being accountable for self & others
  • Integrity – Being morally right & ethical in all interactions
  • Innovation – Finding new creative ideas and making them feasible & effective
  • Teamwork – Commitment to common goals & collaboration based on open & honest communication
  • Achievement and Focus – Working smart with perseverance & being goal-driven
  • Positive and Passionate – Engaging with optimism & enthusiasm & inspiring an unshakeable commitment


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